Tuesday, December 5, 2017

NKJV Unapologetic Study Bible - A Review

A Review

This Bible is non-apologetic in its approach to issues facing the 21st century Christian.  The content is based on eight general topics using four approaches:

Image borrowed from Amazon.com

Colors and icons are used to distinguish the various notes. Indexes at the rear of the Bible provide access to the various entries at a deeper level by providing access to the notes in both a canonical order and for use as a topical study.  Interestingly, unlike most Study Bibles, this edition does not include any colorful maps - yet given the ease at which these are found in other sources, they are hardly missed. Though the translator notes are included, other cross-references are also missing. Similarly, other than the topical helps included throughout the book, no individual textual notes are to be found.
Bible book introductions are included for each book as well as to how the book might fit into the chart given above.

The primary purpose of this Bible edition is not Bible Study per se, but in providing access to a variety of tools to assist the reader in completing topical studies on (as mention in my first sentence above) issues facing the 21st-century Believer. This Bible does have a strong focus on Biblical application, though that is not its stated purpose. The missing component of this study are pointers to additional resources which might assist the reader in doing further research, beyond that included in this text. It also should be noted that no bibliography is provided. A scholar would have no problem with this obvious omission; the lay reader would be helped by having guidelines of where to go for more information.

I will be keeping this Bible on my shelf, though I am not sure how often it will be consulted.
This review is based on a free copy provided by the publisher for the purpose of creating this review. The opinions are mine alone.

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